The question I can most reliably count on during any presentation I give on blogging or social media is "how do you find time for all this?" or "how long does this all take?"
Recently, when I was presenting to the National Association of Professional Organizers, I mentioned that I was about to write an article on time management and social media. Almost everyone in the room wanted a copy of that article.
Although the use of social media marketing is going mainstream--every news organization sports a variety of pro-am blogs, the "graying of Facebook," and Oprah jumping on Twitter--it can still seem overwhelming to small business owners and entrepreneurs who already have too much on their plate.
In this month's issue of flyte log, our email newsletter on Web marketing for small business, you'll find a three-step process to get your social media activities under control.
Whether you're using social media for research, networking, sales & marketing or some combination of the three, you'll find advice on how to better manage the time you spend with these powerful new marketing tools.
If you're concerned with how much time you're spending on Twitter, or have been avoiding Facebook or LinkedIn because you're concerned other work will suffer, check out 3 Steps to Better Time Management of Social Media Marketing.
For additional resources on time management and social media check out these sites:
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