Dear Rich,
I really enjoyed your presentation yesterday at the Great Bay
conference and I walked away with a lot of useful tips and info.
be interested in your opinion re: a company Twitter account. We have
one that is managed by only one person in the agency: all
Tweets come from her.
- Is there a way to give others access to the same Twitter account so that others can also Tweet
- Do you think this is a good idea?
--Wondering in Wakefield
Dear Wondering,
Thanks! That's great to hear.
Yes, it's easy to give multiple people access to one Twitter account. I do this with our Social Media FTW account, which gets contributions from me, @jakks and @ccmaine.
We all just know the login and password; I've also added
@socialmediaftw as an account on TweetDeck and Tweetie, 3rd party apps
for my desktop and iPhone respectively. That way I can send out tweets
from my main account and @socialmediaftw as needed.
The 2nd part of your question is more complex. Having multiple people tweet from a single account can be a good idea,
unless the person who's been tweeting for you feels like she's losing
some of her independence, but that's more of an HR situation rather than a marketing one.
It might
also be helpful for multiple people in your organization to have their
own Twitter accounts. These could be "corporate" accounts, like
rachel_yourco, sue_yourco, etc., or they could be their own
accounts, where they tweet about your company as part of their ongoing twittering, similar to what I
do w/@therichbrooks.
Hope this helps!
Disagree? Argue or debate with Rich Brooks on Twitter.
Nice..This articles will be helpfull..Thank you.
Kenali dan Kunjungi objek Wisata di Pandeglang
Posted by: dhanang | November 02, 2009 at 06:21 AM